Several authors have written a FIG paper of the month entitled ‘World-wide Inventory of the Status of 3D-Cadastres in 2010 and Expectations for 2014‘ that will presented at the upcoming FIG Working Week in Morocco. The paper describes the methodology and considerations for gathering information related to 3D cadastre around the world. “The purpose of the survey is to make a world-wide inventory of the status of 3D-Cadastres at this moment (November 2010) and the plans/expectations for the near future (2014). Sharing this information improves cooperation and exchange of experiences and supports future developments in different countries and cadastral jurisdictions. The FIG working group will repeat the survey in four years time to evaluate the actual progress.”
This is valuable work as many organizations are currently involved in 3D related tasks that involve geospatial and other spatial data. Most recently a 3D Ethics Charter group has been established whose interests involve the use and application of 3D data in general, and how that information is effectively represented, particularly for visualization purposes.
In addition, cartographers and map makers are also involved heavily in 3D aspects for creating maps and visualisation products. This includes work from those such as Dr. Temenoujka Bandrova of the International Cartographic Association who will be presenting at the upcoming International Symposium on Digital Earth (ISDE7) in Australia.
As the FIG paper notes, early responses to the survey indicate that 3D is not clear, but ambiguous to many people when considering use, definitions and applications. This is to be expected, since many disciplines and participants use 3D in many ways and interpretations to conduct multi-disciplinary work.
It will be interesting to watch this work proceed. It is highly interesting and weaves a thread through so many aspects of society.