ASM collects only the information it needs to provide you with timely, relevant information. ASM does not release individual names or details to third parties. Personal details are used expressly for sending you our weekly newsletters and an occasional sponsored message.
ASM collects personally identifiable information such as name, address, telephone number and e-mail address only if you provide this to us voluntarily, such as survey information and/or newsletter subscriptions. This information is used for internal purposes. Even though we may share aggregate data with our readers and advertisers we will not share individual information.
We do not collect your details when you use our Internet site except where expressly and clearly indicated. Although ‘cookies’ and/or similar technology are built into our systems we do not use this technology to collect personal details. However, we do keep statistics on how many visitors read specific pages and details on times and dates of visits and time taken to view pages to enable us to improve the quality and interest of our site for the benefit of members.
We do automatically log information such as your domain name, the type of Internet browser you use, the operating system you use. This information is used only for our planning purposes, to ensure our delivery system is compatible with the systems of our users.
This can be done by: