Monday, July 18th, 2016
Much of Angkor has become a tangle of jungles and small farms with little evidence of medieval settlements beyond the moats' precise edges. Much of what has remained of Angkor's homes and other non-religious structures are the...
Monday, February 15th, 2016
Researchers at the University of California, Riverside have developed a new, more computationally efficient way to process data from the Global Positioning System (GPS), to enhance location accuracy from the meter-level down to a few centimeters. The...
Friday, February 12th, 2016
CPI Indonesia has published a short paper on the role of international development partners in financing mitigation and adaptation actions in the land use sectors in Indonesia. The study builds on the 2014 Landscape of Public Climate...
Sunday, June 14th, 2015
In Indonesia, land conflict is a longstanding and growing problem, along with deforestation and haze pollution. These are often by-products of rapid expansion of agriculture, forestry and mining, driven by the ever-soaring demand for commodities. The uncertainty over...
Saturday, March 10th, 2012
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce nulla turpis, tincidunt sit amet placerat cursus, pulvinar vitae elit. Integer congue, nibh congue blandit aliquet, leo neque varius libero, id dictum ipsum neque at dui. Proin nec...
Saturday, March 10th, 2012
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce nulla turpis, tincidunt sit amet placerat cursus, pulvinar vitae elit. Integer congue, nibh congue blandit aliquet, leo neque varius libero, id dictum ipsum neque at dui. Proin nec...
Monday, January 16th, 2012
This page presents most of typographical aspects of JA T3v2 Framework. Make your readers happy with great Typography and User Experience! Preformatted text Headings This is a sample Heading 1. Lorem ipsum. This is a sample Heading...
Friday, January 6th, 2012
Quisque accumsan, dolor non congue interdum, enim sapien faucibus libero, egestas feugiat dolor mi nec velit. Morbi accumsan fermentum nisl, in bibendum arcu feugiat sed. Pellentesque pellentesque purus non justo consequat sit amet sodales magna rhoncus....
Friday, January 6th, 2012
Quisque accumsan, dolor non congue interdum, enim sapien faucibus libero, egestas feugiat dolor mi nec velit. Morbi accumsan fermentum nisl, in bibendum arcu feugiat sed. Pellentesque pellentesque purus non justo consequat sit amet sodales magna rhoncus....