Some of the key benefits of this new-generation facies modeling solution include: • Enhanced memory usage • Performance enhancements through the efficient use of multiple processors • Direct operations on Paradigm’s SKUA grids for more accurate facies modeling “IMPALA is a complementary and valuable addition to our current and extensive suite of algorithms, providing users the flexibility and choices necessary to construct geologically realistic reservoir models,” said Emmanuel Gringarten, Paradigm Solution Manager for Reservoir Modeling and Engineering.
Training image derived from the satellite picture of a deltaic system and applied to model in-situ reservoir facies distribution (image courtesy of landsat_art_lena_lrg.jpg). SKUA with IMPALA’s multiple point simulation enables a reliable and accurate description of the subsurface. Both technologies efficiently take advantage of the multicore processing units available on today’s Windows or Linux desktops. Paradigm also offers various tools to facilitate the construction of training images derived from 3D conceptual models, satellite images, seismic data, or stochastically simulated object-based models. Read More