As SuperGIS Server OWS website is being created, WMS, WFS, and WCS services will be published simultaneously. In general, users need to employ specific front-end applications to obtain these types of map services.
However, for users with SuperGIS Desktop 3 and SuperPad 3, they can employ the 2 front-end applications to access the OGC web map services published by SuperGIS Server and directly read WMS and WFS services. From this point, it is evident that SuperGIS Server 3 is effective in sharing spatial data. Therefore, not only can the interoperability of the SuperGIS products be greatly enhanced, the working efficiency of enterprises utilizing SuperGIS Server can also be significantly improved.
Besides SuperGIS Server 3, SuperWebGIS 3 has been approved by OGC compliance test in August, 2010. With the two SuperGIS applications, client end users can access effective geospatial data services, and also optimize the data usability.
More information of SuperGIS Server 3 is available at
Further information about SuperGeo, please visit