FARO and Gexcel, software and solutions provider in the Geomatics sector, announce the release of the new JRC 3D Reconstructor / FaroArm, a Gexcel software solution fully optimized for the FARO Laser ScanArm that enables to overlay high resolution images to 3D models. JRC 3D Reconstructor / FaroArm imports meshes from Geomagic, PolyWorks, RapidForm or other third-party software and exports high resolution, true colour textured models. The typical workflow includes the following steps: Capture 3D data with the FARO ScanArm and export a mesh model, image acquisition with any type of digital camera, mesh model import, camera calibration and texture mapping, and coloured mesh export for 3D modelling software or video generation. The results consist of photorealistic 3D models or 3D meshes with texture in a format compatible with modelling software. Read More