Earth Observation and Tsunami Warning System Seen as Critical to Revitalizing Japan
In the wake of the devastating earthquake and tsunami, Japan is investing in sensors and systems to ensure resilience. The country looks for more real-time feedbacks, and better predictive models, in order to better prepare and reduce impacts from future disasters. Read More |
Issues of Land Title Plague Farmers
The lack of property rights strips the ability to generate equity that can be used to borrow against for an education or to start a business. The lack of property also strips a country’s economy of large amounts of wealth, and stifles the ability of its citizens to escape poverty. Read More |
China: Surveying and Map Division Asserts 2012 Course
The Surveying, Geographic Information and Map Division in China asserted it’s overall 2012 strategy this past week at a plenary meeting. Min Yi-jen acted as deputy director of the meeting, which focused upon new requirements and a re-mobilization that included cultural mapping, better planning, moving forward faster and realizing results. Read More
Important Changes to the Registration Process for QLD Mine Surveyors
Due to recent changes to the Queensland legislation pertaining to who can sign statutory mine plans in Queensland, the Surveyors Board of Queensland has adopted the “100 points” system of determining acceptance of the academic requirements for registration as a Surveyor. Read More
UN Launches Information System to Boost Disaster Prevention
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Information System will facilitate access to meteorological observations and products, making it easy to share them with a wide variety of stakeholders. Read More
Feasibility Reports for a NSDI in Uganda & the Kingdom of Jordan Now Available
The studies were undertaken through funds from the Korean Trust Fund on ICT4D, administered by infoDev. Esri Canada partnered with Geo-Information Communication to conduct the feasibility study in Uganda, and with Interdisciplinary Research Consultants (IdRC) for the Jordan project. Read More |
Veripos – Siem Meling GNSS Positioning Contract
VERIPOS is responsible for providing its dual beam VERIPOS Standard positioning service for the companys Siem Pilot and Siem Sailor PSVs, both of which are also equipped with proprietary LD2 integrated mobile receivers for real-time processing of data. Read More
UAE University Receive Professional GIS Training with SuperGIS Desktop
Evolving GeoSystems, SuperGeo’s distributor in UAE, further offers the product training courses to the professionals and students for improving the knowledge and skills while implementing the GIS system on applications. Read More
Geoinformatics 2012 – Hong Kong
This annual international conference has provided a unique forum for exchanging ideas and knowledge on geo-information sciences between GIS professionals worldwide. The 20th International Conference on Geoinformatics (Geoinformatics 2012) will be held on 15-17 June 2012 at Hong Kong SAR, China. Read More |
New Products & Services February 3, 2012
Intergraph Launches “Introduction to GeoMedia” Online Training
In February 2012, Intergraph is adding “Introduction to GeoMedia” to its growing roster of online course offerings. Intergraph also offers online courses in ERDAS IMAGINE, LPS, ERDAS APOLLO and ERDAS Extensions for ArcGIS. |
Cyberswift – Jharkhand Launched A GIS Based Grievance Management System
This innovative call centre better known as the Jharkhand Grievance Management System, or is a platform for communicating your complaints against any department of the state. |
Yandex Extends Map Capabilities To 4 More Continents
Yandex, the leading search engine in Russia, has expanded its mapping capabilities by purchasing a license for digital maps from NAVTEQ, the leading location provider service. In yet another move expanding their worldwide search services. |
Philippines: Geo-hazard Maps Go Public
The Philippine government has made geo-hazard maps, which outline areas prone to natural disasters, publicly available in a bid to reduce vulnerability at community level. |
Sri Lanka Maps Schools for Development
Education Minister of Sri Lanka Bandula Gunawardena has disclosed that the government has chosen 6,000 schools island wide to develop under a special program following a scientific mapping exercise. |
Trimble Introduces New Universal Construction Laser Tool
The rugged, versatile and automatic self-leveling laser can be used in a wide variety of layout and alignment applications by general, interior and specialty contractors. |
VRMesh V7.0 Announced for LiDAR Point Cloud Classification
The key contributions of VRMesh Survey are its unique capability to automatically classify point clouds under extreme variations in terrain and its excellent functionalities that allow you to extract building footprints and create 3D buildings in one click. |
GALILEO Satellite Named After School Girl
Adrianna Cyprus will be the name of an EU satellite, set to be sent to space in the coming years as part of the EU’s space navigation system, Galileo. |
CIFOR Looks for New Director General
Few international research centres are able to engage with a broad range of forest-related issues, stress the perspectives of poor countries and communities, combine policy and research, question conventional wisdom and constantly focus on how to have impact. |