Datums, Projections and Measurement with Earthquakes
The average person working with geospatial data knows about or has heard about datums and projections. Most others have not. Try putting a Canadian datum and coordinate system (NAD83) into your field GNSS Receiver in Singapore (SVY-21) – and see what happens. The results are likely to be ugly, riddled with inaccuracy. More on earth measurement
Azerbaijan – Land Auctions a Positive Step Forward
The Azerbaijan government has been rapidly moving ahead with land auctions and sales in that country. Last year alone saw 685 such auctions. These sales relate to government owned lands and are for sale through the State Committee for Land and Cartography. The auctions provide an opportunity for individuals to acquire land and further results in the development of a more broadly based private ownership and the accompanying benefits. More on land ownership
Bentley Rolls Out a New Lineup of Bentley Map Software
The new three-tiered offering of Bentley Map products simplifies the product offering and adds a number of new features and improved workflows from desktop to enterprise scale. Bentley continues to fine tune and add enhancements in the realm of 3D, enterprise enablement, interoperability, cartographic output, spatial analysis, field work, and business intelligence that make this a compelling GIS platform for infrastructure professionals. More on Bentley launch
Autodesk Provides New Tool for Conceptual Design at the Infrastructure Scale
Autodesk has rolled out a tool for conceptual design for infrastructure with their Project Galileo software, which builds on their purchase of LandXplorer. The product retains the GIS integration that was in the original product and adds Autodesk’s rich visualization and rendering capabilities. More on Autodesk release

Fugro Awarded NOAA Coastal Geospatial Services Contract
Fugro announced today that it has signed a 5-year contract with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Coastal Services Center (CSC) for geospatial services to support coastal resources management in all US continental, Caribbean and Pacific territories. More on Fugro contract
Landgate Assists Vietnam with National Resources Project
Landgate expertise may be used to assist Vietnam establish a resources and environment data base. Delegates from Vietnam’s Department of Information Technology (CIREN), led by the Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE), visited Landgate to get an overview of the Agency’s data management systems. More on Vietnam assistance
Hydroelectric power: China Calls for Private-public Partnerships
China has offered financial and technical assistance to develop hydro electricity and wind power by upgrading the existing transmission system, and is looking to provide an integrated solution to the perennial problem of power shortages in Pakistan. More on Chinese proposal
Abu Dhabi Municipality Launches New GIS Portal
A new portal which will act as a Geographical Information System (GIS) providing information about spatial data-related assets has been launched by the Municipality of Abu Dhabi City. The portal will enable the exchange of data relevant for asset management, as well as offer GIS data services to all. More on the GIS portal
SuperGeo Announces New Reseller in Nepal
SeaGate Institute of Technology offers services and training related to Information Technology. The services are involved with GIS and relevant software, remote sensing, land development and multimedia, etc. In the current global market, SeaGate Institute of Technology deems that SuperGIS products are reasonably-priced and highly-practical, holding many advantages which other software can hardly surpass. More on the partnership
MicroSurvey 25 Years Old
Twenty Five years ago, at about this time of year, I was calling a lawyer to incorporate MicroSurvey. It’s been my entire post university working life. In that many years there are few businesses that escape extreme lows and extreme highs. Even Apple, which was practically written off only 10 years ago, has become the largest corporation in the world by market capitalization. At MicroSurvey we are on a definite upward trend. More on an anniversary


April 8, 2011
New / Products
Trimble Expands GIS Data Collection Portfolio with Rangefinder
The new rangefinder expands Trimble’s portfolio by seamlessly integrating with its Geographic Information System (GIS) data collection solutions.
OGC – Int’l Earth Observation Satellite Tasking Standard
The SPS 2.0 Earth Observation Satellite Tasking Extension Standard specifies extensions to the OGC Sensor Planning Service (SPS) 2.0 Interface Standard.The SPS configuration proposed in this extension is intended to support the programming process of Earth Observation (EO) sensor systems.
SuperGeo Lectures on GIS Development and Applications in Taiwan
This seminar was held by International Center for Land Policy Studies and Training (ICLPST). Having successfully promoted SuperGIS series software worldwide, SuperGeo Technologies is the very first and the only Taiwanese GIS software producer exporting self-developed products overseas.
Applanix Launches POS MV V5 for Hydrographic Surveys
Applanix announced today the release of POS MV™ V5 (Position and Orientation System for Marine Vessels), the next generation of its industry leading georeferencing and motion compensation system for hydrographic surveying. The announcement was made at Ocean Business 2011, a leading international hands-on ocean technology and training forum.
The Reliability of Tsunami Detection Buoys
The ocean-based tsunami detection system, known as the deep-ocean assessment and reporting of tsunamis (DART), which today sent warnings to residents on the west coast of the United States and Hawaii (as well as more than 50 other countries) is an unreliable system, according to 2010 report.
Navcom – SF-3040 Starfire / RTK GNSS Pole-Mount Receiver
Ultra RTK provides RTK-level accuracy up to 40km away from a base station and RTK Extend allows for continuous RTK level positioning during radio outages by allowing StarFire to take over when the RTK radio communication signal is blocked or out of range.
Leica FPES v10.2: New Features for Efficient Planning and Cost-effective Flights
Leica FPES v10.2 offers the most advanced functionality and highest efficiency in flight planning for all Leica Geosystems airborne sensors to ensure seamless workflow, but also supports other airborne frame, line or on/off sensors.
1Spatial Delivers Real-time Counter-piracy Alert System
1Spatial, provider of intelligent data quality and integration solutions, has delivered to Pole Star Space Applications Limited (UK) a real-time alert service extension to Pole Star’s counter-piracy ‘Ship Security and Reporting System’.
OpenGeo and GeoCat Join Forces to Revolutionize Web Map Publishing
GeoCat, a geospatial software company specializing in Spatial Data Infrastructure development, and OpenGeo, the world leader in supported open source geospatial solutions, announced that the GeoCat Bridge software will now be available as an integrated component of the OpenGeo Suite.