The government uses the geospatial data for legislation, policy development for the allocation and management of resources, conservation of natural resources, protection of the environment, land use management, agricultural production, urban planning, zoning and development, prevention of natural disasters, communications, transport, defense and public safety, among others.”
The mapping project is expected to result in government savings and effective and efficient governance for the Aquino government.
Aside from NAMRIA, there are several government agencies that allocate funds to acquire aerial photography and satellite photography for their respective mapping projects. This practice, said Paje, results in the duplication of expenses and efforts, incompatibility of data and underutilization of map products.
“Under the unified mapping project, there will be pooling and sharing of the resources among different government agencies engaged in mapping activities. This will eliminate duplication of work, optimize the utilization of government funds and eliminate corruption,” Paje said.