A presentation entitled ‘Using geospatial and social crowdsource data together with cloud technologies to effectively support an emergency response in a zombie apocalyptic scenario’ will demonstrate how it is possible to establish an effective emergency management response applicable to a wide range of real world situations.
“The U.S. Department of Defense has developed a detailed strategy for surviving a zombie apocalypse,” said Martin Gregory, General Manager for 1Spatial Asia Pacific. “The rationale was that an emergency management plan that stood up to a zombie attack would apply to almost any scenario.”
In his presentation, 1Spatial Principal Consultant Michael Fitzpatrick will demonstrate how spatial data from different sources can be combined in real time with crowdsourced social media content and be managed by a range of technologies such as Google Maps Engine, PostGIS, FME Cloud and Web-based collaboration tools.
The response scenario will demonstrate the potential of on-the-fly data integration to enable seamless, machine-to-machine interaction. “Different agencies use different geospatial formats and standards and there are also consumer geospatial RSS feeds,” said Fitzpatrick. “A spatial integration platform can consume all these different sources and distribute data to different systems in whatever formats they support.”
One real-world scenario many organisations need to prepare for is the deactivation of Google Maps Engine (GME) on 29 January 2016. “A number of organisations, including Australian government agencies, have invested considerable resources in creating proprietary workflows around GME,” said Gregory. “A spatial integration platform allows organisations to easily migrate data without having to reinvent the wheel with new proprietary workflows every time they bring a new geospatial system on board.”
In a presentation entitled ‘How a Victorian council has leveraged state investment in geospatial data to create a GIS solution for use by both residents and council staff’, 1Spatial Senior Consultant Adrian Porter will also demonstrate a Web-based mapping portal providing spatially enabled information to a local community in a form which is cost effective, easy to use, readily available and useful to its citizens.
Notes to Editors
Michael Fitzpatrick will be presenting from 3:50pm on Wednesday 11 March at Mezzanine 5&6, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre.
Adrian Porter will be presenting from 11:30am on Thursday 12 March at Great Hall 1 – Door 6, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre.
Throughout Locate15 from 10-12 March 2015, 1Spatial can be found at Stand 20, Great Hall 3&4, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre. For further details go to: http://www.locateconference.com/
About 1Spatial
1Spatial provides the software solutions and services that manage the world’s largest spatial big data. We work with users and creators of the largest geospatial databases on earth, helping them collect, manage, plan, maintain, publish and interpret location-specific information.
Our clients include National Mapping Agencies, Land Registries, utility and telecommunications companies, and government departments including emergency services, defence and census bureaus.
A leader in our field, we have over forty five years’ experience and a record of continual innovation and development. Today, with an ever increasing reliance on spatial and location-critical data, demand for our expertise has never been greater. Visit http://www.1spatial.com/au