An astronaut aboard the International Space Station took this nighttime photograph of the coastal Mediterranean city of Antalya, Türkiye, in Asia. Located on the southern coast of Türkiye, Antalya is the largest city in this view. The image contrasts brightly lit urban infrastructure against unilluminated parks and natural areas, such as the pentagonal Zeytinpark and surrounding mountain forests. Human-made structures identifiable by lighting patterns include an airport, highways, roads and shipping ports.
The Taurus Mountains border Antalya to the north and northwest, recognizable in this image as extensive dark areas with small settlements speckled throughout. Agriculture along the Aksu River accounts for the dark space between Antalya and Serik. The Aksu River flows out of the Taurus Mountains, providing water to the community and for irrigating horticulture crops, including tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.
Bright lights in white, blue-green and purple hues line the coast between Antalya and Serik. These lights are associated with popular tourist locations like resorts and beaches. White and blue hues often contrast with yellow tones in older cities as bright LED (light-emitting diode) lights replace warm-hued, high-pressure sodium lighting.
Image Credit: SS Crew Earth Observations Facility and the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, Johnson Space Center