Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017
In April 2017, the Airport Low-level Wind Information (ALWIN) system, jointly developed by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), started operations at Tokyo International Airport (Haneda) and Narita International Airport. ALWIN...
Thursday, March 29th, 2012
The companies are exploring sites in Brazil, South Africa, China and India, and plan to complete the projects over the next three years, according to an e-mailed statement from Suzlon. Guangdong Nuclear unit, CGN Wind Energy Co., has installed...
Monday, March 12th, 2012
ZephIR technology has been chosen by both Masdar Power and Masdar Institute of Science and Technology to provide wind measurements in challenging desert conditions in Abu Dhabi. The two ZephIR 300 systems will...
Sunday, December 18th, 2011
Onset the world’s leading supplier of data loggers, today announced its new Wind Direction Smart Sensor, a research-grade plug-and-play sensor for measuring and logging wind direction data The easy-to-use sensor, which works with the company’s award-winning HOBO Weather Stations,...
Thursday, September 15th, 2011
Geoscience Australia's 3D Data Viewer is an application developed using NASA's World Wind Java Software Development Kit (SDK) to display Australia's continental data sets. The viewer allows you to compare national data sets such as the radioelements,...