Monday, June 5th, 2017
Fugro is enhancing its mapping services with the introduction of an integrated software package that creates realistic, yet spatially accurate, high-resolution 3D building models using oblique imagery. The product will benefit emergency responders during critical infrastructure planning,...
Monday, February 20th, 2017
Fugro today announced a partnership with the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE to support first round testing of the global, three-year competition, which incentivises development of rapid, unmanned and high resolution ocean mapping technologies. Fugro’s role is to...
Wednesday, December 7th, 2016
Fugro’s LADS technology is being deployed in New Zealand to assist in relief efforts following the damaging 7.9 magnitude earthquake near Christchurch on 14th November 2016. At the request of the New Zealand Government, the Royal Australian...
Thursday, September 1st, 2011
MEO Australia Ltd. has purchased 323 sq km (125 sq mi) of Fugro Multi Client Services Pty Ltd. seismic survey with processing to come from offshore Western Australia in permit WA-361-P. MEO says this fulfills the work commitment for year...