Friday, March 9th, 2012
Australia is once again experiencing flooding and it is expected that flooding will result in nearly $1 billion of damage. Although waters have receded in some places, more rains are expected over the next few days and...
Saturday, December 3rd, 2011
Designed for the Esri Flex Viewer 2.4, the Building Navigator widget allows users to click on a building footprint and drill down inside the building to view floors, spaces, and other data layers.
Saturday, November 19th, 2011
The plan drawn up by Australia and Indonesia - which hosts the East Asia Summit beginning in Bali today - would involve countries including China and the US instantly sharing sensitive satellite images, damage and casualty reports...
Wednesday, December 8th, 2010
The Chinese Institute of Geological Environmental Monitoring plans to build ten state-level mine geological environment monitoring demonstration zones by the end of Twelfth Five Year plan. These zones will cover northeast, northwest, north and the Yangtze River...
Saturday, October 30th, 2010
During the past week we have learned that the existing Tsunami Warning Systems in Indonesia have been vandalised. This act may have contributed toward the greater number of deaths as, any...