The product takes the core functions of Stakeholder, Project, CRM, Geographic Information and Document management systems and integrates them into a unified knowledge solution. X-Info Connect is a fully customisable solution allowing users to store, maintain, track and analyse information for their business. By tracking communications within business and allowing all key users access to such information, customers can ensure their business always runs at optimum efficiency. X-Info Connect provides a solution for any size business in any industry. It is already the product of choice for organisations in the energy and infrastructure sectors. Mipela GeoSolutions’ customer friendly delivery process takes the time to understand the client’s business, processes, data and training needs to tailor a solution that is perfectly suited to the way the client works. Mipela GeoSolutions will be officially launching X-Info Connect during the APIA (the Australian Pipeline Industry Association Ltd) exhibition in Sydney on 24th and 25th of October. Read More