Among the useful resources to be provided by Forest Carbon Asia are listings of and links to ongoing research on Forest Carbon/ REDD in Asia, the agencies or individuals conducting such research, and the funding source. Ongoing forest carbon and REDD activities at national and project levels have led to an unprecedented need for practical information on how to conduct different activities, lessons learnt from pilot projects, implementing MRV in different scenarios, resolving land tenure issues, setting up legal frameworks, and carbon stored in different forest and management types. Readers have been contacting us with requests for information on work ongoing on different issues and the relevant contact persons.
We invite you to send us details of your research and organization for listing in two weeks time, by 28/06/2011. Kindly fill out the attached form and email back to us. The information will be listed on the page http://www.forestcarbonasia.
We hope that the platform will be useful for sharing information about ongoing research and results to a wider audience of practitioners and policy-makersinterested and engaged in forest carbon issues, to identify and collaborate with others undertaking similar work, and to build on and add value to existing research.
Thank you for your contribution and we look forward to working with you.