Association of Geoinformation Technology (AgIT) in association with co-organisers Asian Institute of Technology Thailand, UNIGIS Austria, several institutes and organizations in India, JVGC Japan, ESRI USA and IRD France is conducting the 4th International Conference on HealthGIS during 4-6 August 2011 in the Indian Capital New Delhi. We will have Free Pre-Conference Workshops by world renowned experts on 4th August.
HealthGIS2011 will stimulate the same enchanting experience as the earlier ones by providing an international forum to the professionals involved in geo-Informatics, Information technology or Health sector to come together to share their expertise and join hands to evolve a strategy to combat health hazards and provide better health care to the people. Doctors and IT Professionals will be face to face and understand each other. Delegates from renowned health organizations such us WHO, UNICEF, CDC-USA, Rockefeller Foundation, Bill and Milinda Gate foundation, UNESCO and many at national levels like NRHM-India, MoPH will be under one roof to interact with all.
The detail information about the conference, submission of abstract, important dates, venue, registration and accommodation are in the website: