Conference-seminar of Navigation Committee of CIS Member States Council of Geodesy, Cartography, Cadastre and Earth Remote Sensing took place with the support of companies Navgeokom of Russia and Leica Geosystems of Switzerland, November 22-26, Moscow. Azerbaijan was represented in the event by Rafig Huseynli, the Chief of Topography, Geodesy and Cartography Department of the State Land and Cartography Committee. The conference-seminar featured practical discussions and comprehensive information on latest equipments to be applied in geodesy, cartography, cadastre, earth remote sensing and navigation (land scanners, Leica ADS80 Airborne Digital Sensor for digital airborne imaging, tachymeters and global positioning systems), up-to-date techs and softwares (use of GIS techs for settlement of geodesy problems, bases for processing of aerospace and space data). Read More