Jin-Sheng Ning, an academician of the China Academy of Engineering and president of Wuhan University of Surveying and Mapping Institute and Li Jiancheng, Xu Yaming Vice President, Director of Surveying Engineering Institute Zou Jingui recently completed a visit to Suzhou, Suzhou and completed a report. It was noted that the company’s technology center together with various departments and divisions, participate in more than 60 activities. The report “Mapping the Development” has been the theme of the development in recent years, and the national mapping report stressed the development of the new requirements including surveying and mapping work as well as national monitoring. Ningyuan Shi pointed out that in recent years, to develop national GNSS surveying and mapping, a network of CORS stations and GNSS network layout has been created, so that the full realization of the future GNSS systems is possible and providing full coverage. Read More