The Capacity Building Project of the GSDI Association provides a free training opportunity for candidates from Africa, Latin America and Asia Pacific region to attend the ICLPST (International Center for Land Policy Studies and Training) training Seminar on Geographical Information Systems and Land Management in Taipei, Taiwan (Republic of China). The training seminar will be held from March 2, 2016 to March 15, 2016.
Taiwan, Republic of China is the sponsor of the training program that entrusts ICLPST to carry out the project. The 2016 training is the fifth session to be offered by ICLPST, since 2012, during which time 17 GSDI members have received this important training.
Each candidate must satisfy specific requirements and the applications are vetted by a committee drawn from GSDI officers and members. The training opportunity is overseen by Mr. Jeremy Shen, Deputy Director, Individual Members, of the GSDI Association. After reviewing 33 applications from the members of the GSDI Association, the 5 selected participants for the 2016 ICLPST Training Seminar on Geographical Information Systems and Land Management are:
• Ms. Meron Kinfemichael Teklie of Ethiopia
• Mr. Ram Kumar Sapkota of Nepal
• Mr. Laxmi Prasad Sharma of India
• Mr. Lekha Nath Daha of Nepal
• Ms. Leidy Johana Rico Trujilloof of Colombia
The Training Seminar will take place in Taipei, Taiwan, from March 2 to 15, 2016. The selected participants will soon receive an official invitation from the GSDI Association and letter of acceptance individually.
For more information on past training, please visit
This announcement can also be downloaded from GSDI as a PDF file at