Thursday, November 10th, 2011
Apisphere, Inc., the company behind Geomate.jr , an easy to use GPS-based geocaching device, has teamed with SDG Creations, Ltd. to offer a GPS and geocaching-based curriculum written by a teacher for teachers called Educaching (
Tuesday, July 19th, 2011
Designed for a college curriculum, Making Spatial Decisions Using GIS: A Workbook helps students use organized workflows, spatial analysis, and visualization to make decisions about real-world issues including crime, hazards, hurricanes, demographics, and urban planning....
Tuesday, February 15th, 2011
SuperGeo Technologies is pleased to announce the new release of GPS Learning CD is released globally. GPS Learning CD is especially designed for GPS beginners. The CD contains abundant and complete GIS knowledge, including the history of GPS,...
Wednesday, February 9th, 2011
SuperGeo Technologies is pleased to announce that the whole new GPS Learning CD is going to be released soon. GPS Learning CD, especially designed for GPS beginners, illustrates the history of GPS, operation principle, signal format, methods to...