Objective 1: To review the current approach and develop an alternative and appropriate methodology for census mapping, optimally utilizing imagery and to produce training manuals
Tasks: The methodology needs to be developed and training/fieldwork manuals for all activities need to be developed. Attention should be given to the integration of the work already completed in the revised methodology. This is important to ensure a uniform approach throughout the country and maximum benefit from the imagery.
OBJECTIVE2: To develop census mapping database
Tasks: Based on the agreed methodology and specification for census maps the census data base needs to be developed. The main task is database design, testing and implementation with as an output a fully operational database. The database is to be developed in MS SQL. Provision must also be made for development work that might be required as a result of the proposed solution.
If you are interested, please contact us for more details and further assistance for subject business opportunity.
Thanks & Regards
Mitesh Swargam
Asst Manager – Bid Consultation Services
Euclid Infotech Pvt. Ltd
Direct Line : ++91-22-28666051
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Website: http://www.tendersinfo.com