We are delighted to announce that the GSDI 15 World Conference (GSDI 15) will be held in Taipei, Taiwan (Rep. of China), from 29 November to 2 December 2016 at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center. The theme of GSDI 15 is “Spatial Enablement in the Smart Homeland”. Workshop opportunities will be offered on 28 November and during the conference itself.
The GSDI World Conference has built a reputation for excellence in content and relocates across the globe to offer geospatial specialists in all parts of the world opportunities to better exchange ideas and learn from global peers in building spatial data infrastructure (SDI).
GSDI 15 offers numerous opportunities for oral presentations, posters and refereed publications. We invite presentations covering the full range of practice, development and research experiences that advance the practice and theory of spatially enabling citizens, government, and industry.
Presentations will be organized in tracks covering broad themes. The proposed themes and suggested topics are indicated below.
Theme 1: SDI for the Smart Homeland
– SDI for Smart Cities, Smart Territories and Smart Environments – Location-based Services for Smart Environments – Indoor SDI (positioning) and Personal SDI Developments – VGI, Crowdsourcing, and Citizen Science – Internet of Vehicles (IoV) and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Theme 2: Land Information and Management Systems
– Land Information Systems – Land and Urban Data Management – SDI for Low Impact Development (LID) – SDI for Resilience and Sustainable Development
Theme 3. SDI Governance and Policy Developments
– Open Data and Open Government – E-Government and E-Governance – Geospatial Legislation and Policies – Privacy, Security and Institutional Concerns
Theme 4. Disaster Management, Reduction and Mitigation
– Innovation in Disaster Management Technology – Disaster Management ‘Best Practice’ – Protecting Critical Infrastructure – Risk Modelling and Assessment – Disaster and Emergency Management – Earthquake Mitigation Challenges – Flooding, Debris Flow, and Landslides – Risk Assessment, Mitigation and Management
Theme 5. Earth Observation and Sensors
– Observatories (environmental, transportation, logistics, citizen, health, urban) – Earth Observation – Remote Sensing, Survey & Mapping Applications (UAVs, LiDAR, SAR…) – Sensor Web / Internet of Things (IoT) and Linked Data
Theme 6. Geo Technology and Innovation for SDI
– SDI in the Cloud – Challenges and Solutions – CyberGIS – Geospatial Big Data Management and Analytics – 3D/4D Spatial Data Visualization and Analytics
Theme 7. Geo Data for Decision Making
– Geospatial Decision Support Systems – Geospatial Business Modelling – Geo-Intelligence
Theme 8. Geo Education and Cartography
– Geospatial Education – Web Cartography – Historic Geo Data Management
Theme 9. Regional and Global SDI Initiatives
– UN-GGIM Global and Regional Initiatives – GEO/GEOSS Developments – UN Sustainable Development Goals – European Pan-European SDI – INSPIRE
GSDI 15 Publication Opportunities
This call supports three primary forms of publication:
1) a Conference Proceedings produced in digital format, which will contain all accepted abstracts and full papers selected for presentation, these to also be accessible from and archived on the GSDI conference web site,
2) a Conference Book to be published prior to the conference, in digital and print format, containing fully refereed articles, based on papers submitted for the Proceedings, and
3) selected papers, expanded as needed to satisfy the publication requirements, including peer review, for a special issue of the International Journal for Spatial Data Infrastructure Research (http://m1e.net/c?73682120-6ml6Cy9GRafks%40386857217-MRM.r7P6doeos
Posters and Workshops
We will accept a limited number of Posters to be presented at the conference and for which brief oral Poster Presentations will be scheduled plus proposals for targeted Workshops, to be delivered either on the day prior to the conference (28 November) or during the conference period (28 November to 2 December) depending upon the schedule, time and space availability. Poster and Workshop proposal formats will be published on the GSDI 15 World Conference website. (Follow the link published on the GSDI website).
GSDI 15 Conference Proceedings Submissions
Abstracts should be 250-500 words in length and will be reviewed by the international GSDI 15 Conference Paper Review Board. Authors are limited to acceptance of a maximum of two conference paper abstract submissions, whether as lead or secondary author. All submissions should be in English. At the time of submitting abstracts, authors will be asked if they intend to also submit a full paper or a poster, if the abstract is accepted.
High-quality submissions will be accepted for presentation at the conference. Abstracts and full papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings volume to be made available to all registered participants on a USB drive at the time of the conference. Presentations will be made available online via the conference website.
For abstract and full paper submissions, authors retain copyright in their work, but will be required to agree to a Creative Commons By-Attribution License (CC-BY version 4) (http://m1e.net/c?73682120-dCmqqt3eiHmas%40386857218-eOR47n4obWHwo to ensure continued global access to their work over time. All publications produced for the conference, including abstracts, full papers and presentations, will be archived on the GSDI Association website for open access.
Submission Deadlines
– Deadline for submission of Extended Abstracts: 1 April 2016 – Notification of acceptance/rejection of Abstracts: 1 May 2016
– Deadline for submission of Workshop proposals: 1 June 2016 – Notification of acceptance/rejection of Workshop proposals: 1 July 2016
– Deadline for submission of full Papers and Posters: 1 July 2016 – Notification of acceptance/rejection of submitted Paper: 1 August 2016 – Notification of selection for Conference Book and IJSDIR article submission: 15 August 2016
– Early bird registration ends: 15 August 2016
– Expanded Conference Book & IJSDIR articles due: 1 October 2016 – Notification of final acceptance of Conference Book articles: 15 October 2016 – Conference Dates: 29 November to 2 December 2016 (Workshops on 28 November)
– Publication of selected articles in special issue of IJSDIR: early 2017
Abstract and Paper Submission Process
Web Submission of Abstracts:
lease submit your 250- to 500-word abstract through the GSDI-15 Conference Submission Management System. (Follow the link published on the GSDI website). You will receive login details, including a paper ID and password when you submit the abstract. Cut and paste (do not upload!) your abstract into the form window provided for the Abstract. You have the option of uploading your full Paper at the same time if it is ready. See below the final Paper format requirements. You may return to the site at any time to upload a new or revised Paper. Save the automated e-mail you will receive that contains your password and paper ID. If you forget your password do NOT make a new submission, but rather contact the Administrator.
E-mail Submission of Abstracts:
We highly encourage submission through the web. However, if your web access is limited and you would prefer to submit the abstract by e-mail, then please do the following. Include paper title, author’s name, affiliation, mailing address and email address followed by the text of the abstract. The abstract submission should be ‘left justified’, written in English, 12-point, Times font, single-spaced with no bold, italic, or underlined text. Submit the abstract to [email protected] with an email subject line of GSDI-15 Abstract Submission by <your last name>. The Administrator will then submit it to the web site system for you.
Acceptance of Abstract:
If your abstract is accepted by the Review Board and you pay the conference registration fee by the specified deadline, your submission will be scheduled in an appropriate session for oral presentation at the conference. Depending on space and time availability, a limited number of submissions may be accepted for a ‘Lightning’ Presentation Session. If openings occur in the regular oral program, Lightning Round presenters will be invited to fill the longer speaking slots. If offered a regular slot you do not need to accept because many presenters prefer participating in the fast-action Lightning Round which often has larger audiences.
Paper Submission Process:
If your abstract is accepted for a regular or Lightning Round oral presentation, you are encouraged to submit a full conference paper before 1 July 2016 for inclusion in the GSDI 15 Conference Proceedings. The full Paper should be submitted in Word or other editable format (NOT PDF) and should adhere to the sample GSDI manuscript template which is the same as the Manuscript Template of the International Journal of SDI Research. (See ‘Manuscript Preparation’ at http://m1e.net/c?73682120-yaXyDVvY0ATrQ%40386857219-hWO6WTD4j1DTw
To submit through the web interface, return to the same GSDI-15 Conference Submission Management System and follow the instructions and options for submitting the final version of your full Paper. Your previously received automated e-mail contains your password and paper ID number. If you forget your password do NOT make a new submission but rather generate a new password using the system. If all else fails, send the paper, your paper ID number, and password to [email protected] and we will upload the paper for you. Make the email subject line: GSDI-15 Final Paper Submission by <your last name>.
Publication and Licensing Issues
Abstracts and papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings volume to be made available on a USB stick to registered participants and later archived on the Web. Authors retain copyright in their work but through the act of submission to this conference you are agreeing to a Creative Commons CC-BY version 4 license for your work to help ensure continued global access to the work over time (http://m1e.net/c?73682120-aR2.5cG/mJVjQ%40386857220-6lvkAHb/WOfmU All publications produced for the conference, including abstracts, full papers and presentation slides will be openly archived on the GSDI Association website.
(2) Submissions for articles in a Fully Refereed Conference Book
Based on the quality and topics covered in full papers submitted for the Conference Proceedings, selected authors will be offered the opportunity to submit expanded articles, consisting of 5,000-word manuscripts, for publication in a refereed Conference Book. The submissions will be thoroughly reviewed by at least three members of the international GSDI 15 Conference Paper Review Board. Manuscripts should describe original work that has not been published before. Due date for the expanded articles is 1 October 2016.
Papers must be written in English, include an abstract, conform to the sample manuscript template and be submitted electronically. Authors will retain copyright in their work but will be required to agree to a Creative Commons License (CC-BY version 4) to help ensure continued global access to their work.
Although a full paper might be deemed of high quality, the subject matter of some submissions may be inappropriate for inclusion in the planned book. Full-length article submissions for the Conference Book will be expected to address fundamental theory or research in any of the areas relating to the published themes of the conference. Submissions in this category might:
– test or analyze innovative approaches in addressing technical, legal, economic, institutional or educational challenges in developing spatial data infrastructure or advancing spatially enabled societies; – critically assess current spatial data infrastructure and spatial enablement initiatives; – document and analyze successes and challenges to be found in standards efforts, data harmonization efforts, and case histories; – describe conceptual models that incorporate emerging or future technological, institutional, economic, legal, educational or combined solutions in overcoming spatial data sharing or spatial enablement impediments; – compare or analyze existing alternative approaches or models for planning, financing, and implementing SDI or related initiatives in different countries or regions of the world and assess the effects of policy and technical choices in addressing cultural, social and economic issues; – assess whether SDI or spatial enablement projects are achieving programmatic goals or broader goals such as supporting national economic competitiveness, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of government and advancing health, safety, and social well-being; – critically examine best practices in terms of their policy, technological, institutional and financial approaches and their ultimate effects on improving efficiency, effectiveness, and equity; – identify and assess the implications of various practices and approaches on local, state, provincial, national, trans-national and global stakeholders with a particular emphasis on their ramifications in developing nations; and – present relevant research related to the one of the other conference topics listed earlier.
The book article must adhere to the specifications set forth in the manuscript template of the International Journal of SDI Research. (See ‘Manuscript Preparation’ at http://m1e.net/c?73682120-EGnuAxDGnZ/1Y%40386857219-uocqXFgQ2X6LI
This scholarly book will be distributed at the conference as an e-book to all registered participants, free of charge, but the book will include the normal ISBN information and be filed with the U.S. copyright office as with past published GSDI Association conference books. All articles and the book in entirety will be licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY version 4 open access licenses. Persons desiring a hard copy of the book may use the global network of on demand book printers to acquire one. Contact information about on-demand book printers will be provided with the posted versions of the e-book (e-pub, Kindle and pdf).
Revised articles that fail to adequately address the comments of reviewers as assessed by the editors or fail to meet required formatting requirements or deadlines will be dropped from the peer reviewed publication at the sole discretion of the editors.
(3) Submissions for articles in International Journal of SDI Research
Based on the quality and topics covered in full papers submitted for the Conference Proceedings, selected authors will be offered the opportunity to submit expanded articles for publication in a special issue of the International Journal of SDI Research (IJSDIR) to be published in 2017. Selected papers/authors will be notified prior to the conference and, if they accept, must produce their expanded articles using the manuscript template of the International Journal of SDI Research and other instructions available from the IJSDIR website at http://m1e.net/c?73682120-mQOqlOFSXpc7c%40386857221-Vq/jG7xQGJeMM Due date for expanded articles for IJSDIR is 1 October 2016.
Rules for submitting articles to IJSDIR apply to all submissions. Articles will be submitted to IJSDIR using the procedure described at the link above. Reviewers will be drawn from the GSDI 15 Paper Review Board. Deadlines relating to submission, review and final acceptance of articles to be published in the IJSDIR will be announced at the time authors are notified of this opportunity for further exposure of their selected paper.
Full Book Article Submission Process
Web Submission: Please submit your full article along with its abstract through the GSDI 15 Conference Submission Management System. Cut and paste the abstract into the form but also retain the abstract as part of the full article.
E-mail Submission: We highly encourage submission through the web. However, if your paper is too large for the system, deliver it to [email protected] with an email subject line of GSDI-15 Book Article Submission by <your last name>
Related Links
– Conference Call for Abstracts and Papers (PDF): http://m1e.net/c?73682120-1mHa6Iueg7fz.%40386857222-F9Yw/6YRBwf/o – Conference Website: http://m1e.net/c?73682120-he9ASSZyEwaTc%40386857223-jdpt2AcfjPXSY – International Journal of SDI Research: http://m1e.net/c?73682120-ewR/oBqJkG1mE%40386857224-NqKLNttrivp6w – Past open access Books affiliated with the GSDI conferences: http://m1e.net/c?73682120-IB1ZY2ZFYd09g%40386857225-hJpkp7EdmqB9M
We look forward to seeing you in Taipei in 2016!